Farming & Nutrition
Key Focus:
- Sustainable agriculture.
- Non-GMO and organic nutrition.
- Environmental awareness.
- Health Care through natural diet.
- To provide the kind of nutrition at an affordable cost, that helps our bodies heal naturally. Our ability to grow taking nature into account allows us to feed the world around us in a way that nature intended. Together we are limitless.
Why our project is needed:
Our planet is suffering at the hands of industrial farming methods where we experience large amounts of depletion to the soil, irresponsible irrigation, erosion of the natural land, a lack in biodiversity, and greenhouse gasses. As a result, the environment and our health suffer a huge loss.
Our methods of dealing with the environment have caused a huge rise in greenhouse gasses and carbon emissions. Our scientists predict if we continue at this rate, the greenhouse gasses will affect the temperature of the ocean to an extent that cyanobacteria won’t be able to survive.
That’s a loss of over 70% of the world’s oceans, therefore we understand that the time is act is now. Our strategy at the Africa Healing Foundation is to demonstrate farming techniques that inspire caring for the environment just like it cares for us. We believe that a negative carbon footprint and the ability to being clinical with the ability to provide high nutrition is the most sustainable way to live life.
Our aim is to provide a system that truly utilizes the natural resources in a way that brings us the health that we need. We understand that dangers of malnutrition as they have been magnified in places of lower income, however we are here to stand together with you to give you the food and water we all deserve.
We hope that local organizations and farmers can help us facilitate the freedom to be healthy and give nature the nurture that it gives us.
Project Overview:
Our farming practices create something that can be sustainable for long term care of the environment and people. We know that our nature needs our nurture.
The Right Foods for the right things: We know that with most of the modern-day agriculture techniques are failing to provide the entire world with the kind of nutrition that we deserve. Our cancer rates are at the highest that they have ever been.
Here at Africa Healing Foundation, we strive to provide practices that focus on having the indigenous, non-GMO, and organic farming practices that care for the environment as well as the people getting the highest form of nutrition. We know that nutrition heals and is a requirement for the human body to work at its optimum frequency.
We understand that a healthy body and the right foods go hand and in hand and that nature already provides all the nutrition that is required for us to live our most healthy lives.
Negative Carbon Footprint
We know that the environment is suffering at the hands of those that choose to misuse it for only profits, without caring for the way that nature needs to be nurtured and cared for.
At the Africa Healing Foundation, we make it a priority to give nature the negative carbon footprint that is required for the success of the world in general. We know that our efforts towards giving back to the Earth is something that Mother Earth will really appreciate.
We are ashamed of the actions of our brothers and sisters that have been raping our mother for so many years.
Cash Crops
We need to have sustainability to be able to provide everyone nutrition at the best price points for the highest quality of food. To do that we provide cash crops and sell them for profit margins to make sure that we can always provide those in need with the best possible value.
Free Ranging Loved Animals
We absolutely know that everything has the ability to feel pleasure or pain. We at the Africa Healing Foundation treat our animals as if they were truly family. We care, cherish, and love them even at the point that they have to move on from this life. Our care and love extends beyond just human compassion and into care for the universe and the world.
Medicines for Healing
Here at the Africa Healing Foundation, we know that healing is in our name. We empower others by not only educating but providing the people the essential medicines that our nature has provided for us.
Hemp Production
We know that Hemp has a huge aspect in medicine of the mind and the body. We also believe that the only trees that should be cut for the lumber industry should be one’s that are indigenous and locally grown. We at the Africa Healing Foundation are taking a step against cutting of the rainforests without growing back. We understand that to receive you have to give.
The final phase is going to include having an aquaponics, hydroponics, and animal raising hybrid where we recycle 100% of materials used to reduce the impact on the environment and have the maximum gains for food supplies.
To utilize 80 Hectares of land on the property to establish and produce different types of enterprises in a controlled environment to satisfy the demand and quality for agro processors.
- To produce quality crops and animals’ products suitable for local, regional and global markets.
- To be a profitable farming business, envisioning a positive gross income by the next two years to be self-sustaining
- To use technology to be the pioneer in innovative agricultural products and services.
- To differentiate service by offering excellent and professional customer service whilst maintaining good employee relations.
- To create employment for the community and support community projects once the profit is evident.
- To integrate operational and management processes to promote environmental care and sustainability.
- Get Involved
How You Can Help Us
There’s more than one way that you can help. Whether you want to work, volunteer, or donate to Africa healing foundation, there are plenty of ways to join us in making a real difference. Click below to check out the opportunities to get involved and contact us if you have any questions. We appreciate your interest.