When asked, what is the number one requirement to form life on any planet? If you answered liquid water, you would be correct.

Having access to clean water is vital to the wellbeing of any person. Most of the purified water that we drink that comes in water bottles is just that, H2O. Through billions of years in evolution, we have never had just H2O.
The “pure water” that we are accustomed to thinking is great for us, actually leaches the minerals from our body. Natural water that occurs in springs and volcanic springs is naturally high in alkalinity and has all the natural minerals that are required to really replenish the body with what we really need.
One of the biggest minerals that people lack on average is magnesium. A mineral that’s found abundant in natural water supplies that have not been damaged through human betrayal of the environment. It is not only imperative that we preserve the natural water sources of the world but nourish ourselves the kind of health that we all deserve.
Our world is made up of mostly water. Despite our rainforests and trees being vitally important to our survival, the world’s oceans provide over 70% of the world’s oxygen in the form of cyanobacteria. Our changing climate conditions are causing a temperature change that is causing a rise in ocean temperatures. It is predicted that if we continue, on this path of destruction towards the environment, we will kill off the number 1 oxygen producer on this planet and change the scales of irreparable damage for the worse. We at the Africa Healing Foundation know that healing starts from the ground up.

By combatting the greenhouse gasses and the carbon footprint that is causing the biggest shift in terms of the climate change, we can win this battle for mother earth.
Water is known to be sacred through a multitude of cultures. It is known to heal, revitalise, and replenish us any time. Even being drenched in water changes our state. Water is known to carry memory and emotions. It is even known to change it’s molecular structure based on how we feel. If one is angry, the water crystals form in an imperfect way. With love, the crystals form in a completely perfect way.
It is up to us how we want to feel, however water being a molecule of memory, we have to focus on the intention of what we want the water to give us in terms of emotions.
Try this for a week while holding the glass of water before drinking:
think about at least 3 things you are grateful
now think about love and infuse that into the water
think about what you want to have the water make you feel
observe results
Let us spend this day reflecting on how important water is for us and to us. Water is our most precious resource and the biggest part of us.